Author Archives: Marilyn

Whole Wheat Apricot Scones

Click here to view recipe. Something happened to the Apricot Scone recipe I posted here a while back.  No matter where I searched, it did not show up. Poof! Ah, technology … Sooooooo, I hunted through my “regular” recipe files … Continue reading

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Kal’s Spicy Chicken Chili – Repost!

I decided to make this for Father’s Day dinner with our son, my daughter in law  and their  four kids. We got to all eat together and boy was it a hit! Everyone loved this, from the 3 year olds to … Continue reading

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Yellow Finger Jell-O, AKA Colonoscopy Jell-O

Click here to view recipe. You might be shaking your head in disbelief that I would post a “recipe” for something like Jell-O, let alone finger Jell-o.  Listen up, my friends. I had a colonoscopy in late September this year, … Continue reading

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Giant Oatmeal Chocolate Chippers

Recently, I was the mood for baking a cookie that would freeze well and that I could take on the plane.  Oatmeal sounded good but I wanted chocolate so I reworked this recipe and am super happy with the results. … Continue reading

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Pudgy Peanut Butter Cookies  

Click here to view recipe. I have been in a baking mood as of late. It is summer in Seattle, but the weather is more like March: high 40’s at night and low 60’s during the day.  Most of what … Continue reading

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Lentil Vegetable Stew with Lamb Meatballs

Click here to view recipe. My sister Susan wrote to both Kay and me (the third sister) and told us she highly, highly recommended this lentil soup she had tried from the New York Times, adapted by Joan Nathan. Originally … Continue reading

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Addictive Crispy Chocolate Chunk Cookies – Redux

This is a repeat post from 2018.  This time around I did away with the pecans and like the recipe better with 1 3/4 cup bittersweet chocolate.  I refrigerated the dough for 45 minutes before balling them, then I put them … Continue reading

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Easy Applesauce

Click here to view recipe. Easy Applesauce I previously posted a recipe for cranberry applesauce from a Thanksgiving/Chanukah meal we shared with family at Kal’s cabin in 2014. That seems like so long ago! Today I have three mature apple … Continue reading

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Fresh Summer Uncooked Tomato Sauce With Basil

Click here to view recipe. In the summer, I grow and harvest tons of yellow, orange, and red cherry tomatoes.  I put lots of them in salads or eat them right off the vine, but one of my favorite dishes … Continue reading

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All Purpose Flavorful Sauce

Click here to view recipe. I plan out my cooking at the beginning of every week. Typically, I make one or two salad dressings, usually something pickled like red onions or pickled cucumbers, a batch of homemade mayo – sometimes … Continue reading

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