Author Archives: Marilyn

Coconut Curry Shrimp

Click here to view recipe. So here is an easy weeknight recipe that’s highly versatile!  It’s great for a hot day … somehow curry always tastes perfect when it is blistering hot, and the spiciness of this dish makes me … Continue reading

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Granola – Wellington Style

I can’t help but re-post this one … I make it EVERY month. A few new twists to try: add 1 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut and ½ cup sesame seeds before baking and then 1 cup dry cherries after it’s … Continue reading

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Vietnamese-Inspired Salad Bowl

Click here to view recipe. “Wow, you hit this out of the park.”  Those were the exact words of my not-so-famous food critic/husband when he began eating this salad recently at lunch.  You shouldn’t lend too much credence to his … Continue reading

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Bubbie’s Chocolate Macaroons

In honor of my kids’ beloved Bubbie who passed away this July – I am re-posting this recipe for Chocolate Macaroons. (Originally posted in March 2013) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ … Continue reading

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Eggplant My Way

Click here to view recipe. Eggplant didn’t appeal to me at all in my youth.  Back in Iowa, we shared a large garden at my Uncle Lou and Aunt Esther’s house a few blocks away.  Beside the usual tomato and … Continue reading

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Beautiful Black-Eyed Pea & Corn Salad

Reposting an old favorite … hopefully you’ll have time to whip this up before our beautiful corn disappears! (Originally appeared on May 22, 2013!) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ … Continue reading

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Oven Blasted Green Beans & Radishes

Click here to view recipe. I must say that eating surprising combinations of vegetables often translates to my ultimate dining experience.  I never cease to be amazed at how different cooks make and present vegetables – steamed, sauteed, roasted, broiled…and … Continue reading

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Seed Crusted Kefir Bread

Click here to view recipe. For no reason I can logically explain, I have been drinking plain, unsweetened kefir in the morning, topped with a few grinds of fresh nutmeg.  I saw this on a menu somewhere, and because I … Continue reading

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Whole Wheat Couscous & Lentil Salad

Click here to view recipe. Oh boy, this goes in the “one of my favorites” column – one hundred percent!  Long long ago in a faraway land, there was a new pasta carry out place in Seattle called “Pasta and … Continue reading

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Chef Laura’s Summer Salad

Click here to view recipe. I’m going to be honest here.  The real title of this should be “Zucchini Carpaccio with Leeks, Mint and Lemon.”  However, I knew the minute many of you read “Zucchini” you’d click to the next … Continue reading

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