Author Archives: Marilyn

Summer Anchovy Salad Dressing

Click here to view recipe. Seattle has had a “real” summer this year, so  I am out of control with my salads experimentation.  With this heat, I yearn for a crunchy, salty, garlicky, hearty salad almost daily.  Oh, and homemade … Continue reading

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Summer Savory Corn Pudding

Click here to view recipe. I love brunch in the summer – more specifically, Sunday morning gatherings with friends or family.   Most of the invitations I receive or brunches that I host become potluck events – easy, casual ways to … Continue reading

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Summer Breakfast Bowl for Champions

Click here to view recipe. “Breakfast of champions.” A phrase that was blasted on the television and radio all the time when I was a young girl. Of course, this referred to Wheaties breakfast cereal.  And I later remembered  that … Continue reading

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Don’t Throw Away Those Beet Greens!!

Click here to view recipe. Often if I purchase beets or carrots or turnips or radishes or fennel at the farmers market, I feel like snapping off the greens and making my bag less unwieldy.  Thankfully, I recently stopped this … Continue reading

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Trendy Beet Arugula Salad

Click here to view recipe. As many of you “foodie” people know – there’s always a new food trend either heating up or dying down. The clothing you see in stores certainly evolves and particular looks come and go:  bell … Continue reading

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Mediterranean Halibut

Click here to view recipe. OK, I confess: this recipe incorporates the type of flavors and cooking techniques I love best.  Mediterranean saltiness and herbs, one tray cooking in the toaster oven (or conventional oven), beautiful colors to gaze upon, … Continue reading

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Por Ultimo Salted Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Click here to view recipe. By now, you know me well.  You know I’ll eat almost anything homemade, and you might even remember that I am always in hot pursuit of  “ultimate” recipes: ultimate chocolate cake, ultimate chili, ultimate salad … Continue reading

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Whole Roasted Cauliflower

Click here to view recipe. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love cauliflower.  It is meaty, tasty, and can be enhanced with various herbs or sauces.  Most often I break it into cauliflowerettes, coat it with … Continue reading

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Sesame Salmon Pasta Salad

Click here to view recipe. The other morning while drinking my morning latte, I was flipping through old recipes — well, not actually flipping since my recipes are all on my computer.  Surfing.  Surfing through recipes.  And up popped this … Continue reading

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Everyday Oven Omelette

Click here to view recipe. Here is the ideal recipe for when you want something kind of light and different … and it works for either brunch or a lazy dinner (in my house … “lazy” means you are out … Continue reading

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