Author Archives: Marilyn

Rustic Carrot Soup

Click here to view recipe. Whenever I’m preparing to leave town for a length of time, one of the hardest tasks for me is to somehow cook all the produce and perishables that cannot be frozen.  I don’t like wasting … Continue reading

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Coconut Cream Pie For Jakey Boy!

Click here to view recipe. My youngest son celebrated his 29th birthday at the end of February – the 21st to be exact.  Each year I ask him what kind of cake or pie he’d like.  I’ve told you before … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving in February – Mid-Winter Root Vegetable Salad

Click here to view recipe. Don’t laugh…we really did have another Thanksgiving in February… the day after Valentine’s Day if you must know.  My family in Seattle (eight adults) always attend the real Thanksgiving weekend at Kal’s Cabin.  However, we … Continue reading

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Oatmeal & Fruit Scones

Click here to view recipe. I don’t know about you, but when I have houseguests I like to make a little extra food to have around  so I can enjoy my company and not be tied to the kitchen.  Many … Continue reading

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Ann’s Poppy Seed Cookies

Click here to view recipe. When it comes to dessert or something sweet, I choose either (A) chocolate, the darker the better or (B) a bland, slightly sweet type of crisp cookie.  So you won’t be shocked that I dream … Continue reading

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Savory Spanish Green Beans

Click here to view recipe. My cousin-by-marriage called me in January and wanted to visit Seattle for a few days; she desperately needed a break from caring for my wheelchair-bound cousin Michael and from her piano students.  “Sure,” I replied … Continue reading

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Comforting Chicken Marsala

Click here to view recipe. Want an easy main dish both kids and adults adore?  Ta-da! I give you Chicken Marsala.  I love this recipe both for the taste and the make-ahead attributes and it is definitely in my “favorites” … Continue reading

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Kay’s Kale Salad

Click here to view recipe. You’ll have to wait until right before Thanksgiving in 2015 to get a full rundown of this year’s family weekend and excellent adventures.  Yet I cannot in all good conscience wait that long to share … Continue reading

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Best Banana Bread … EVER!

Click here to view recipe. I am not going to sugar coat this: the recipe I am about to share is a total pain in the rear end to make, especially compared to other banana bread recipes where you take … Continue reading

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Walk Away Turkey Wings

Click here to view recipe. Three years ago, I posted a roasted turkey wing recipe that baked in the oven. Fast forward to November 2014… While in Belize, I spotted beautiful, meaty turkey wings and suddenly wanted them for dinner. … Continue reading

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