Author Archives: Marilyn

Do The Math: Kitchen Calculations

Let me begin this post by admitting that math is, actually, my strong suit. As far back as I remember I always did much better with math and reasoning skills than language. And I’ve been  proud of  my keen ability … Continue reading

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New York Green Festival

It was 11 AM in New York City, April 27, 2014.  Where was I?  At the Green Festival on Pier 94, of course! Huh?  I was in New York to meet my three sisters and our husbands, although half of … Continue reading

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Asparagus … Again

Click here to view recipe. All winter long we ate root vegetables, or “dirt” vegetables, in huge quantities, and I truly love to buy and prepare winter legumes.  But in my world once I spy fresh asparagus in the markets, … Continue reading

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Chayote (Cho Cho) Salad

Click here to view recipe. When I am in Belize for long periods of time, as I often am, I inevitably crave vegetables.  For some reason, however, the typical local produce (carrots, tomatoes, onions and cabbage) just isn’t that interesting … Continue reading

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Celery Root Mash with Saffron Sauce

Click here to view recipe. Sometimes I believe I should work for a supermarket and place myself in the vegetable section – giving tips and ideas to shoppers on how to prepare some of the lesser known veggies or even … Continue reading

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Homemade Gefilte Fish

Click here to view recipe. In my family, just saying “homemade gefilte fish” causes us to salivate. Food memory, for sure. Any man, woman or child who makes homemade gefilte fish will swear theirs is the best. And the variations … Continue reading

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Reuben Pizza Revolution!

Click here to view recipe. I find food inspiration everywhere. Sometimes I try new recipes from cookbooks that I own (think Jerusalem or Silver Palate). Often I sample a dish at a restaurant then hurry home to recreate it as … Continue reading

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Amazing Jerusalem Artichokes

Click here to view recipe. I almost forgot about Jerusalem Artichokes this year – but thankfully bag after bag of these funny looking vegetables were piled on several stands at the Sunday farmer’s market here in Seattle.  And these little … Continue reading

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Lazy Day Turkey Thighs

Click here to view recipe. On days when you are not inspired to be creative but want something delicious, filling and easy – consider turkey thighs! I’m especially fond of them because you can roast them in the toaster oven … Continue reading

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Belizean Black Beans

Click here to view recipe. Black beans are probably my favorite treat when I am in Belize…and my husband makes the very best ones I’ve eaten, hands down. They are so creamy and filling and hearty that we have been … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Side Dish | Tagged , , | 2 Comments