Author Archives: Marilyn

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my readers!  I have a few resolutions to pass along: I am going to make a concerted effort to wear an apron and to change out of my nicer clothing when cooking since I seem … Continue reading

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Belizian Banana Birthday Cake

Click here to view recipe. My husband Wayne is immeasurably capable with everything in life: a true renaissance man.  I mean, this guy cuts his own hair, fixes 99% of things that need rewiring, replumbing, landscaping, reconnecting…you name it.  He … Continue reading

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December Kitchen Essential – The Tongs

I was cooking the other day, making chicken soup, roasting veggies and then grilling bread for my last tomato salad of the season (<sigh>)…and it occurred to me in one of those “ah hah” moments that I reach for my … Continue reading

Posted in Kitchen Essentials, Wednesday Post | Tagged | Leave a comment

(NOT Granola) Power Bars

Click here to view recipe. Lately, I am increasingly careful to have food ready to eat right after my early morning spin or strength training class.  Just a banana or apple won’t do, and I’m too impatient to wait for … Continue reading

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Giving Thanks with Cauliflower & Pomegranate Seed Salad

Click here to view recipe. This post was written following our 2012 family Thanksgiving. 23 people (including 4 toddlers) converged in the Seattle area. The stage was set… Two deep fried turkeys. Ten side dishes. Four desserts.  And this was … Continue reading

Posted in Salads & Dressings, Side Dish, Vegetables | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Super Sour Cream Pecan Coffee Cake

Click here to view recipe. This is another special recipe from  my “favorites” category.  This old fashioned, rich coffee cake frequently appears for brunch or breakfast celebrations at my home, and when it bakes in the oven the entire house … Continue reading

Posted in Breads, Breakfast | Tagged | 2 Comments

Lentil & Squash Fall Salad

Click here to view recipe. I don’t know if I should really call this creation a “salad” – it’s  more of a vegetable medley.  All I know is that I began with an old recipe that called for asparagus and … Continue reading

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Israeli-Inspired Meat Patties

Click here to view recipe. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I was in Israel!  I go through my photos pretty regularly and have decided, along with my husband, that we must return in short order to explore … Continue reading

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Jamaica – A Heavenly Hibiscus Beverage

Click here to view recipe. As one of my latest adventures … I’m trying to learn conversational Spanish!  I figure it’s good for my aging brain, and I’ve always regretted that I didn’t master another language during my early years. … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage, Central America | Leave a comment

Cream of Chanterelle Soup

Click here to view recipe. The following recipe and post came from my “baby” brother, Kal. Kal lives in Seattle and we share recipes back and forth almost weekly. I think (really, I know) he is a better baker than … Continue reading

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