Author Archives: Marilyn

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Click here to view recipe. This little gem of a breakfast recipe wasn’t on my radar, ever. But shortly after my daughter arrived in Seattle this past October her boys’ internal time clock remained on Midwest time – two hours … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast | Tagged | 3 Comments

A Cooking Shot in the Arm

Like many of you, I have my favorite go-to dishes I prepare each season – usually without written recipes.  Not to brag (much) but I find my best meals are often impromptu, create-from-what-you-have-in-the-refrigerator-but-seasonal-and-fresh.  I get brilliant ideas from restaurant meals, … Continue reading

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Our End of Summer Tomato Salad Obsession

Click here to view recipe. OK.  I am obsessed.  Possessed.  Since discovering this salad, I have made it every single solitary day for 12 days and counting.  I don’t know what it is – but during late summer while my … Continue reading

Posted in Salads & Dressings | Tagged | 4 Comments

Raviolis Part Two!

Click here to view recipe. Last week I shared my recipe for Butternut Squash ravioliand teased you with talk of two other delicious fillings. So today, as promised, I am sharing recipes for Chicken & Corn and Mushroom & Ricotta. … Continue reading

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Raves for Ravioli

Click here to view recipe. I have mentioned that I love to cook with friends, and ravioli is THE perfect two person project where two heads (or four hands, if you will) are definitely better than one!  My friend and … Continue reading

Posted in Pasta | Tagged | 2 Comments

Klassy Kugel

Click here to view recipe. Back in my catering days, I prepared hundreds of luncheons for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, funerals and various life cycle events.  The most requested item on my menu?  Kugel! (Pronounced KOO-gull).   Kugel refers to … Continue reading

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Bowled Over

I’ve mentioned in the past that I don’t go for a huge amount of kitchen equipment – including pans, bowls and utensils.  I’m just not one to see a beautiful kitchen item in the display at Williams Sonoma and say … Continue reading

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A Walk Through History

Growing up in Iowa, I primarily ate homecooked meals made with local, somewhat sustainable sometimes farm-to-table ingredients.  In fact, I didn’t know macaroni and cheese came in a box.  My mom fed me and my siblings canned vegetables during the … Continue reading

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Daniel’s Chicken Salad

Click here to view recipe. I often rename my recipes once I rework them and make them more to my taste.  I don’t even recall the original name of this recipe – but for as long as I can remember, … Continue reading

Posted in Poultry | Tagged | 2 Comments

Homemade Mayonnaise

Click here to view recipe. This post and the following recipe happened as a result of cooking failure. It is very rare that I make a recipe that doesn’t “turn out.”  I’ve made mayonnaise many times before from scratch, and … Continue reading

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