Author Archives: Marilyn

MGK Favorite Things

I used to love Oprah’s “My Favorite Things” show back in the day so I decided to concoct my very own “a few of my favorite kitchen things this month” list.  By now you likely know how much I adore … Continue reading

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Gobble Gobble Turkey Loaf

Click here to view recipe. Turkey is not just for Thanksgiving or the cold months of winter!! I love this turkey loaf recipe even more than traditional meat loaf.  It is light, very tasty and when I make it, I … Continue reading

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I Heart Miso Soup

Click here to view recipe. I’ve always loved miso soup. Ever since I can remember I’ve ordered this warm, savory yet simple soup in Japanese restaurants.  In 1989 our family took a trip to Fiji, and lo and behold miso … Continue reading

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Holy Holy Guacamole

Click here to view recipe. It’s summer, I’m down in Belize for a few weeks and for once there are avocados everywhere!  These avocados are most likely from neighboring Mexico – not hothouse ripened, mind you.  When they are soft … Continue reading

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Learning to Love Eggplant Tomato Gratin

Click here to view recipe. There are very, very, very few fruits or vegetables that I don’t love and eat with gusto these days. This adoration for fresh produce, however, was not always the case. As a child I was … Continue reading

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To Market, To Market

In the trunk of my car you will find an orderly bunch of reuseable grocery bags – probably about seven in all. Seattle recently began charging customers at grocery stores, and even clothing stores, if they require a new paper … Continue reading

Posted in Wednesday Post | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The Prohibition Cocktail

Click here to view recipe. Iowa in June – lush, green, gardens already producing basil, garlic and a beautiful array of colorful flowers. On the down side – the rivers are overflowing and flooding is a real possibility. The evening … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Basic Brownie

Click here to view recipe. I was recently in Portland, Oregon visiting old friends and having dinner, and, in order to prepare dessert, my hostess pulled out a box of brownie mix. “STOP!!!” I screamed. I started rooting around in … Continue reading

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Perfect Peanut Sauce & Chicken

Click here to view recipe. It’s starting to warm up in Seattle – which means grilling season! The other day as I set about to grill some chicken on the barbeque – I felt the urge to make some type … Continue reading

Posted in Condiment, Poultry | Tagged , | 2 Comments

mango sorbet dessert

Click here to view recipe. My “baby”, Jake (aka Jakey Boy) recently had his 27th birthday. If he didn’t physically resemble our family so much most people would think he had a different mother and father. You see, he doesn’t … Continue reading

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