Author Archives: Marilyn

The BEST Bran Muffins – Mission Accomplished

Click here to view recipe. You may or may not know this about me, but I’m really not a doughnut or muffin kind of girl. If I’m choosing breakfast food or even sweet food – muffins and donuts and most … Continue reading

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Beautiful Black-Eyed Pea & Corn Salad

Click here to view recipe. Just the other day I started looking through my thousands of recipes organized on my computer…I was hunting for a different salad to prepare with grilled chicken. Something other than the usual lettuce salad, perhaps … Continue reading

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Happy 2nd Anniversary My Global Kitchens!

I cannot believe it’s been a year since my first anniversary post!  Many of you might not even remember it – but I sure do. I discussed my relationship with food and body image.  It was the first time I … Continue reading

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Salad in a Jar!

The other day I was talking with my family about how hard it is to find time to break away from work for a healthful lunch…and we discovered that all of us have our own solution. We all make various … Continue reading

Posted in Salads & Dressings, Wednesday Post | Tagged | Leave a comment

Chicken & Rhubarb – A Saucy Combination

Click here to view recipe. My friends and family often email me when they’re in a pinch – begging me for a quick, one dish, stove top meal. One that actually tastes good. One of my favorite go-to dishes happily … Continue reading

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Rhubarb Salad Dressing

Click here to view recipe. Although it is still pretty cold and on-and-off rainy here, bundles of rhubarb appeared everywhere at yesterday’s farmers market here in Seattle. I usually associate this vibrant vegetable (yes – it’s a vegetable!) with Springtime … Continue reading

Posted in Condiment, Salads & Dressings | Tagged | 7 Comments

Luscious Lemony Fettuccine

Click here to view recipe. This spring, I experienced what it is like (again) to parent a four year old – or as my grandson would say, a “4 and a third year old.” My husband and I happened to … Continue reading

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Bread Pudding – Take Two

Click here to view recipe. A few weeks ago, I described the intricate process of observing a global dish being made in an authentic cook’s kitchen. And I planned, really I did, to publish the recipe I learned. However, I … Continue reading

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Food as Art

Some of you – perhaps most of you – have a creative streak for making beauty happen: painting, photography, music, writing, wardrobing, decorating, knitting, flower arranging, gardening, sewing… creative capabilities are endless. Personally, I don’t feel I am particularly gifted … Continue reading

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Bubbie’s Chocolate Macaroons

Click here to view recipe. Monday night March 25 was the first Passover seder celebrated by Jews all over the world. I believe this holiday tradition is THE most observed even by secular Jews. My family convened in Iowa for … Continue reading

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