Author Archives: Marilyn

Midwest Baked Beans

Click here to view recipe. The weekend of October 21 we boarded a nonstop flight from Seattle to Texas, traveling to Austin for my nephew’s wedding. I’ve never “been there, done that” so off we flew to meet up with … Continue reading

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Nourishing Ginger Brew

Click here to view recipe. It seems like so many people become ill this time of year. Right around Thanksgiving in 2012 I battled an awful cold for what seemed like weeks. After sniffling and coughing and going through numerous … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage, Odds & Ends | Tagged | 2 Comments

Luscious Lamb Shanks

Click here to view recipe. We have been to New Zealand twice: the first trip we covered parts of the North and a few areas of the South Island — and didn’t feel like we’d seen nearly enough. Two years … Continue reading

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Amazing Apricot Appetizers

Click here to view recipe. For someone who loves food, it might shock you that I am not a huge fan of appetizers – eating them or making them. For me, consuming too much before a meal satiates my hunger … Continue reading

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Argentinian Cookies in Israel!

Click here to view recipe. Smack in the middle of our Israeli vacation we stayed in the town of Ramot Naftali, a moshav (settlement) in the Upper Galilee. This was our “base” for three nights and every day we pulled … Continue reading

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The Perfect Piggy

I don’t own many non-essential kitchen gadgets or tools in my global kitchens…less is more in my book. However, I adore this cute, pig-themed silicone cover and employ it on an almost daily basis for steaming, and for pan frying. … Continue reading

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Homemade Crackers Redux

Click here to view recipe. You have read how I often – OK, usually – change recipes before I try to make a particular item and often afterwards when I do a taste test and decide it needs more or … Continue reading

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Perfect Post-Thanksgiving Soup

Click here to view recipe. The week following Thanksgiving is tough for me. All our out of town guests depart, one after the other… my house feels suddenly very quiet (but cleaner) … and I am stuffed with turkey, sweet … Continue reading

Posted in Soups | Tagged | 2 Comments

Yearning for Thanksgiving Yams

Click here to view recipe. As I wrote last year, Thanksgivings are major celebrations in our family. So much so that I wrote down copious notes after last year’s extravaganza so I could adequately describe the day’s events. That said, … Continue reading

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Click here to view recipe. One of the many places I visited this August was Iowa, home of my daughter, her husband and most importantly two of my grandsons. It was a whirlwind, 3 ½ day visit and required a … Continue reading

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