Author Archives: Marilyn

One-Pot Rockfish

The first Wednesday of the month again? And how did it get to be NOVEMBER?? Yikes. Time flies when you are having fun for sure. But it’s already Thanksgiving month? What happened to October? I’m posting a short, sweet post … Continue reading

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Olives, Olives Everywhere

If you were to travel with me, you’d quickly learn that I am relentless about hunting down good food and partaking of food-related experiences unique to the region I’m visiting. Cooking classes? Sign me up. Food markets? No question. Tours … Continue reading

Posted in Condiment, Middle East | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Sesame Cookies

Click here to view recipe. Our airplane bound for Israel this past September landed in the beautiful capital of Tel Aviv. I had never really spent much time in this cosmopolitan city so we quickly checked into our little hotel … Continue reading

Posted in Dessert, Middle East | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Homemade Hummus Hits the Spot

Click here to view recipe. “I’m in Israel!” These are the words that happily ran through my mind as our plane touched down in Tel Aviv last month. I kept pinching myself and telling myself that it was true … … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizer, Condiment, Middle East | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Pavatel – Puckery Plum Preserves

Click here to view recipe. During my recent travels through Israel, one of the many things that made me over-the-moon happy happened to be the “Israeli Breakfast”- a veritable feast. A number of the hotels in this country provide a … Continue reading

Posted in Condiment, Middle East | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

It’s the first Wednesday of the month again – the time when I keep things simple. And today I’m going rogue. No recipe. I know … I’m usually all about cooking. But this IS called My Global KITCHEN after all … Continue reading

Posted in Wednesday Post | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Gazpacho, Spain and Gaudi

Click here to view recipe. Last November we spent almost two weeks in Spain and we spent the majority of our time in Barcelona. Almost wherever you look, structures by famous Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi rise from the pavement. He’s … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Soups | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Sweetening the Jewish New Year with Chicken Thighs & Veggies

Click here to view recipe. I mentioned Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, in last week’s post (though I forgot to mention that I always ALWAYS make rugelach on this special day!). For those of you unfamiliar with Jewish holidays, … Continue reading

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The Chopped Liver Challenge

Click here to view recipe. The title of this post will likely not appeal to most of you — unless, of course, you ate chopped liver for holiday celebrations throughout your life. Such is the case with me; a Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Meat, Odds & Ends | Tagged | 2 Comments

Up On the Roof

I live on the third floor of a third floor 1927 condominium overlooking Seattle, Lake Union and Puget Sound. During August this year I’ve been pretty much traveling non-stop but I’ve started a tradition for when I’m home. What’s the … Continue reading

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