Author Archives: Marilyn

Priscilla’s Marinated Peppers

Click here to view recipe. A plethora of colorful bell peppers mounded on tables caught my eye recently at my neighborhood market: 4 for $1. I adore working with colored peppers and use them in Pepperonata as a side dish, … Continue reading

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Frittata for Family

Click here to view recipe. My son’s father-in-law recently passed away and the kids asked me to fly down to San Francisco to help with my grandchildren. “Help” to me translates into tending to everyone’s needs, entertaining the toddlers and, … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast | Tagged | 2 Comments

Consummate Chinese Chicken Salad

Click here to view recipe. The popular dish Americans label with the name “Chinese Chicken Salad” has absolutely no ties to China and does not resemble the food found anywhere in the Far East. Because most Chinese Chicken salad dressing … Continue reading

Posted in Salads & Dressings | Tagged | 4 Comments

Perfect Summer Produce Pappardelle

Click here to view recipe. How I love Seattle summers! From the 4th of July through the end of August it seems like I’m able to forget the gray and wet of the previous six months. An added bonus is … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Pasta | Tagged | 4 Comments

Sister Act

So many of you have remarked how “lucky” the three sisters in my family are that we have regular get-togethers (at least once a year), without kids and without spouses. I do feel the need to tell you how this … Continue reading

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Hazelnut Mayo

Click here to view recipe. So the other day I was trying to recreate a hazelnut vinaigrette I sampled at Cafe Presse in Seattle. At first glance, this tiny hole-in-the-wall joint near Seattle University looks like a casual coffee shop … Continue reading

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Chicken Paillard in Montana

Click here to view recipe. This summer our family invaded Montana. My married adult children + their kids + Wayne and me = nine. NINE bodies. Plus four car seats, countless pieces of luggage, booster seats, iPads, travel pillows, car … Continue reading

Posted in Meat, North America, uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

Beautiful Black Rice Salad

Click here to view recipe. Anyone who knows me well is aware that my favorite dishes to prepare – and eat – are soups and salads. I’m not talking about frilly, zero calorie salads consisting of a few pieces of … Continue reading

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Perfect Picnic Potato Salad

Click here to view recipe. Since moving to Seattle thirty plus years ago, we have held a Fourth of July party almost every year without fail! We initially lived in a larger home and would invite families with kids, then … Continue reading

Posted in Side Dish, Vegetables | Tagged | Leave a comment

Shallot Fish Sauce: Brussels #3

Click here to view recipe. Having had too much fun for two days in Amsterdam, we headed for the central station to catch a train to Brussels. Signs were not translated into English but we successfully got ourselves onto the … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Fish & Seafood, Odds & Ends | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment