Author Archives: Marilyn

Sopa di Lima (Chicken Lime Soup)

Click here to view recipe. In keeping with my 2012 resolution, this first post for February is a recipe that is extremely easy to prepare. In the interest of keeping it simple, just a bit of a back story and … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Soups | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Kasha Varnishkes – Old Style Comfort Food

Click here to view recipe. My great grandmother-in-law Molly was born and reared in the Ukraine. I never had the chance to meet her, but have heard many stories throughout the years about her culinary acumen. She was, reportedly, an … Continue reading

Posted in North America, Side Dish | Tagged | 2 Comments

Sofado – A Guatemalan Feast With a New Friend

Click here to view recipe. Making Sofado Click here to view on YouTube During a recent visit to Northern California, my friend Gloria said, “I just love those coconut cookies you made for Linda…can you show me how to make … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Meat | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Crazy About Crackers

Click here to view recipe. It is 6:45 am here in Seattle, the night is clinging to the city and I have just put three trays of whole grain seeded cracker dough into my oven to bake. Again. It’s my … Continue reading

Posted in Odds & Ends | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Winter Red Lentil Soup

Click here to view recipe. Happy 2012! One of my resolutions this year is to post a recipe I’m currently making on the first Wednesday of every month – something I love but more important – a dish that is … Continue reading

Posted in Soups | Tagged | 8 Comments

The Unsinkable Minnie

Video of Minnie Making Tortillas Click here to view video on YouTube I vividly remember being exposed to abject poverty when I was 28. During a visit to El Salvador, we naively rented a vehicle to drive through some of … Continue reading

Posted in Central America | 3 Comments

Ponegranate Salad

Click here to view recipe. It’s been two years since we travelled to Croatia with our dear friends Mark and Linda – but it feels like yesterday. On most of my adventures I have a pretty good idea of what … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Salads & Dressings | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Hot Fudge Sauce – A Gift From My Kitchen

Click here to view recipe. Every holiday season I create a special surprise for a list of folks who are especially dear to me. Bottles of wine? Gift Certificates? No, I am a believer of gifting food items from My … Continue reading

Posted in Dessert | Tagged | 6 Comments

Marilyn’s Meatloaf

Click here to view recipe. My neighbors just had a baby on Monday, and my gift to new parents is often a home cooked meal delivered within the first few days of new parenthood. I was thinking about this last … Continue reading

Posted in Meat | Tagged | 2 Comments

Elderflower Martini

Click here to view recipe. I love Chicago any time other than the cold winter when freezing wind comes off the lake to take my breath away. My son lived and worked in Chicago immediately following his undergraduate years of … Continue reading

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