Author Archives: Marilyn

Turkey Wings in British Columbia

Click here to view recipe. Following a recent business trip to British Columbia, I had the pleasure of lunching with two dear friends, Eileen and Nanette. I’ll never forget how Eileen suddenly suggested that the three of us plan a … Continue reading

Posted in Meat, North America | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Post-Thanksgiving Turkey Soup

Click here to view recipe. One bit of sage advice I can give to parents and parents-in-law is this: from the moment your child marries, sit down and mutually decide where holidays will be celebrated.  Even if your entire family … Continue reading

Posted in North America, Soups | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Rugelach (roo’ -gu -la)

Click here to view recipe. I got a phone call from my daughter Rachel last weekend. She had been reviewing my recipe for crescent shaped rugelach on her computer but the directions were terrible and the ingredients for the filling … Continue reading

Posted in Dessert | Tagged | 6 Comments

Belizian Chicken – The Ultimate Comfort Food

Click here to view recipe. Making Belizean Chicken Click here to view on YouTube. When shopping for groceries in the United States, we are lucky to have access to a huge variety of foods in our local supermarkets. I’ve heard … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Meat | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Granola – Wellington Style

New Zealand. New Zealand. The name rolls off my tongue because I have been there two times, so far. I’m going back for certain, hopefully sooner than later. Our first trip, which I call “New Zealand 101: The Introduction” took … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Cinque Terre and Minestrone Soup

I truly believe I was Italian in my former life. I love everything about the country — the people, the wide-ranging and often awe-inspiring scenery, the rustic architecture and particularly the fresh, local food. To date I have traveled there … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Soups | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Chicken Wings

“It’s too complicated, and you could never explain it.” These were my husband’s words when I asked him if he thought it would be a good idea to write about Maria and Jose’s wedding in Belize. Despite his misgivings, I … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizer, Central America, Meat, Poultry | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Cuban Night

The Band at St. Clouds Click on this link to view on YouTube Earlier this summer, I received an email for a special dinner at a local eatery – St. Clouds in Seattle. The invitation read “we are strong supporters … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Meat, North America | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

My Global Challah

How to Make Challah Click here to view on YouTube Nearly every Friday morning for the past 40 some years, I have made challah – a special, braided bread eaten by Jews for the Sabbath and other holidays, although now … Continue reading

Posted in Breads | Tagged | 15 Comments

The Best Belizean Barbeque

Stephanie and her Barbeque To view on YouTube – go to There are many, many “fast food” stands in San Pedro that sell “local” foods. Almost all of them feature three ubiquitous staples – chicken, rice and beans. And … Continue reading

Posted in Central America, Condiment | Tagged , , | 4 Comments