Author Archives: Marilyn

Broccoli Pecan Salad

Click here to view recipe. You know me.  Whenever I stumble upon a soup or a salad or a dessert I love, I immediately want to try to make it in my own kitchen.  Recently I was visiting my middle … Continue reading

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Basil Walnut Pesto

Click here to view recipe. I started out this summer with a couple of basil plants in a garden space that my neighbor let me use this summer.  The plot of land is basically shaded by bushes and trees and … Continue reading

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Honey Oatmeal Bread Redux

I originally published this almost ten years ago – but I make it so often and it’s such a beloved bread in this house I thought I’d post it again. And I can’t help but include an updated picture of … Continue reading

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Asian-Inspired Ground Chicken

Click here to view recipe. The other night, I wanted to make something new and easy and filling.  I had some raw ground chicken hanging out in my refrigerator and all the rest of the ingredients in my pantry.  I … Continue reading

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Lemon Poppyseed Loaf

Click here to view recipe. I love lemon anything and I adore poppy seeds, so when I saw Dorrie Greenspan’s recipe for Poppy Seed Tea Cake it wasn’t a question of IF I would make it – but WHEN.  She … Continue reading

Posted in Breads, Cakes & Pies, Dessert | Tagged | Leave a comment

Oatmeal Pancakes

Click here to view recipe. I am always trying to incorporate whole grains into my meals these days, which for me is not hard since I oddly LOVE most beans and grains.  It recently occurred to me to use my … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast | Tagged | 2 Comments

Summer Vegetable Slaw

Click here to view recipe. My sister Susan mentioned the original version of this slaw, (Poolside Sesame Slaw) published by Smitten Kitchen.  Her photos looked so appealing and after reviewing the dressing ingredients (miso, tahini, sesame oil, etc.) and the … Continue reading

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Mothers Day Vegetable Salad

Click here to view recipe. I hosted Mothers Day brunch this year, partly out of necessity and partly out of “where can we go with 12 people, three of whom are under the age of 4?”  Instead, I pretended that … Continue reading

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Rhubarb Scones

Click here to view recipe. As an Iowa girl, I grew up with a patch of rhubarb to the side of our screened-in porch and I have fond memories of eating stewed rhubarb in the spring and early summer.  I … Continue reading

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Very Lemony Couscous

Click here to view recipe. Oftentimes, when I prepare dinner for myself or for others, I struggle with what to serve as a starch or side dish.  Rice?  I make that a lot in different forms.  Pasta?  Of course, but … Continue reading

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