Category Archives: Condiment

Carrot Miso Dressing

Click here to view recipe. I can’t help myself… I’m providing you with yet another salad dressing concoction.  That said – this one is a bit different from the majority of the dressing recipes I’ve posted here.  Carrot miso salad … Continue reading

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Tasty Summer Tarragon Salad Dressing

Click here to view recipe. From mid-July on, my rooftop deck “garden” is in full swing.  I have two tomato plants in a container and they are loaded with beautiful yellow and small red cherry tomatoes.  All my herbs, peppers … Continue reading

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Homemade Mayonnaise

Click here to view recipe. This post and the following recipe happened as a result of cooking failure. It is very rare that I make a recipe that doesn’t “turn out.”  I’ve made mayonnaise many times before from scratch, and … Continue reading

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Perfect Peanut Sauce & Chicken

Click here to view recipe. It’s starting to warm up in Seattle – which means grilling season! The other day as I set about to grill some chicken on the barbeque – I felt the urge to make some type … Continue reading

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Rhubarb Salad Dressing

Click here to view recipe. Although it is still pretty cold and on-and-off rainy here, bundles of rhubarb appeared everywhere at yesterday’s farmers market here in Seattle. I usually associate this vibrant vegetable (yes – it’s a vegetable!) with Springtime … Continue reading

Posted in Condiment, Salads & Dressings | Tagged | 7 Comments

Olives, Olives Everywhere

If you were to travel with me, you’d quickly learn that I am relentless about hunting down good food and partaking of food-related experiences unique to the region I’m visiting. Cooking classes? Sign me up. Food markets? No question. Tours … Continue reading

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Homemade Hummus Hits the Spot

Click here to view recipe. “I’m in Israel!” These are the words that happily ran through my mind as our plane touched down in Tel Aviv last month. I kept pinching myself and telling myself that it was true … … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizer, Condiment, Middle East | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Pavatel – Puckery Plum Preserves

Click here to view recipe. During my recent travels through Israel, one of the many things that made me over-the-moon happy happened to be the “Israeli Breakfast”- a veritable feast. A number of the hotels in this country provide a … Continue reading

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Priscilla’s Marinated Peppers

Click here to view recipe. A plethora of colorful bell peppers mounded on tables caught my eye recently at my neighborhood market: 4 for $1. I adore working with colored peppers and use them in Pepperonata as a side dish, … Continue reading

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Hazelnut Mayo

Click here to view recipe. So the other day I was trying to recreate a hazelnut vinaigrette I sampled at Cafe Presse in Seattle. At first glance, this tiny hole-in-the-wall joint near Seattle University looks like a casual coffee shop … Continue reading

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