Category Archives: Salads & Dressings

Thanksgiving in February – Mid-Winter Root Vegetable Salad

Click here to view recipe. Don’t laugh…we really did have another Thanksgiving in February… the day after Valentine’s Day if you must know.  My family in Seattle (eight adults) always attend the real Thanksgiving weekend at Kal’s Cabin.  However, we … Continue reading

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Kay’s Kale Salad

Click here to view recipe. You’ll have to wait until right before Thanksgiving in 2015 to get a full rundown of this year’s family weekend and excellent adventures.  Yet I cannot in all good conscience wait that long to share … Continue reading

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Carrot Miso Dressing

Click here to view recipe. I can’t help myself… I’m providing you with yet another salad dressing concoction.  That said – this one is a bit different from the majority of the dressing recipes I’ve posted here.  Carrot miso salad … Continue reading

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Tasty Summer Tarragon Salad Dressing

Click here to view recipe. From mid-July on, my rooftop deck “garden” is in full swing.  I have two tomato plants in a container and they are loaded with beautiful yellow and small red cherry tomatoes.  All my herbs, peppers … Continue reading

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Marvelous Marinated Cucumber Salad

Click here to view recipe. During the long, warm days of summer I love eating cold (or room temperature) crunchy, cool and juicy fruits and vegetables. It’s hard to choose among my favorites – but this dish is tried and … Continue reading

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Lemony Lentils

Click here to view recipe. I love lentils and legumes in general, not for reasons that most people turn to beans (they’re so darn healthy!).  For me … they just taste really great and provide a blank slate for sweet … Continue reading

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Middle of Summer Garden Chicken Salad

Click here to view recipe. Bear with me, people. I know I frequently publish recipes for salads – Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring… it doesn’t matter to me. I enjoy eating salads, whether they are vegetarian, lettuce-based, grainy, quinoa-y, fruity … Continue reading

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Tangy Noodle Salad

Click here to view recipe. It’s almost the 4th of July and if you are invited to or in charge of  a potluck, you might be scratching your head, trying to come up with something delicious and easy to prepare. … Continue reading

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Kale & Cauliflower Salad

Click here to view recipe. I know, I know. Everyone is sick to death of kale. Kale salad, in particular. Me? I really love kale salads – not to mention sauteed kale and kale in soups. But in salads I … Continue reading

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Chayote (Cho Cho) Salad

Click here to view recipe. When I am in Belize for long periods of time, as I often am, I inevitably crave vegetables.  For some reason, however, the typical local produce (carrots, tomatoes, onions and cabbage) just isn’t that interesting … Continue reading

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