Category Archives: Soups

Easy Tomato Soup

Click here to view recipe. I adore homemade tomato soup!  Not the creamy kind. I love tomato soup with grilled cheese/caramelized onion sandwiches – so no cream necessary.  What a perfect dinner. All you need to make this is an … Continue reading

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Curried Sweet Potato & Spinach Stew

Click here to view recipe. My son “Jakey Boy” and I share the same palette, more or less.  We save the same recipes and are attracted to easy but fresh concoctions, making the same substitutions or changes without knowing that … Continue reading

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It’s Matzo Ball Meat Stew Time Again!

I first published this recipe in April of 2012. That’s almost TWELVE YEARS AGO, people! I can’t believe it. I cooked this recently for my daughter’s family, and I could not believe how much her boys (and girl) ate. Thank … Continue reading

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Kal’s Spicy Chicken Chili – Repost!

I decided to make this for Father’s Day dinner with our son, my daughter in law  and their  four kids. We got to all eat together and boy was it a hit! Everyone loved this, from the 3 year olds to … Continue reading

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Lentil Vegetable Stew with Lamb Meatballs

Click here to view recipe. My sister Susan wrote to both Kay and me (the third sister) and told us she highly, highly recommended this lentil soup she had tried from the New York Times, adapted by Joan Nathan. Originally … Continue reading

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Pinto Bean Soup with Salami and Vegetables

Click here to view recipe. Another soup for you, straight from my imagination.  I began with a formula for navy bean soup, and since I had too many pinto beans, I decided to go forth and use them as a … Continue reading

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Tortilla Soup with Crisp Tortillas and Avocado Relish

Click here to view recipe. The first time I tasted tortilla soup was at my daughter’s home, and her kids said this was one of their favorite things for dinner.  It was a little spicy but so, so good. And, … Continue reading

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Coconut Curry Carrot Soup

Click here to view recipe. It was so chilly in April that I made soup at least three nights each week. I often revert to my favorite meat/barley or cauliflower soup but this week I tried something new.  I shared … Continue reading

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Amazing Turkey Chili

Click here to view recipe. I am a chili lover, especially when the weather is cold and dreary.  To me chili is comforting, and I  love its warming spices and heartiness. I often make a boatload to share with family … Continue reading

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Amazing Coconut Fish Soup

Click here to view recipe. During a brief trip to visit my sister in California, we were constantly busy  … taking long walks along the ocean, eating ice cream and candy at local spots, having lunch at Gayle’s bakery, and … Continue reading

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