Category Archives: Vegetables

Eggplant My Way

Click here to view recipe. Eggplant didn’t appeal to me at all in my youth.  Back in Iowa, we shared a large garden at my Uncle Lou and Aunt Esther’s house a few blocks away.  Beside the usual tomato and … Continue reading

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Oven Blasted Green Beans & Radishes

Click here to view recipe. I must say that eating surprising combinations of vegetables often translates to my ultimate dining experience.  I never cease to be amazed at how different cooks make and present vegetables – steamed, sauteed, roasted, broiled…and … Continue reading

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Don’t Throw Away Those Beet Greens!!

Click here to view recipe. Often if I purchase beets or carrots or turnips or radishes or fennel at the farmers market, I feel like snapping off the greens and making my bag less unwieldy.  Thankfully, I recently stopped this … Continue reading

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Whole Roasted Cauliflower

Click here to view recipe. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love cauliflower.  It is meaty, tasty, and can be enhanced with various herbs or sauces.  Most often I break it into cauliflowerettes, coat it with … Continue reading

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Rustic Carrot Soup

Click here to view recipe. Whenever I’m preparing to leave town for a length of time, one of the hardest tasks for me is to somehow cook all the produce and perishables that cannot be frozen.  I don’t like wasting … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving in February – Mid-Winter Root Vegetable Salad

Click here to view recipe. Don’t laugh…we really did have another Thanksgiving in February… the day after Valentine’s Day if you must know.  My family in Seattle (eight adults) always attend the real Thanksgiving weekend at Kal’s Cabin.  However, we … Continue reading

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Savory Spanish Green Beans

Click here to view recipe. My cousin-by-marriage called me in January and wanted to visit Seattle for a few days; she desperately needed a break from caring for my wheelchair-bound cousin Michael and from her piano students.  “Sure,” I replied … Continue reading

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Hanukkah Latkes

Click here to view recipe. Latkes, or potato pancakes, are one of my favorite traditional Hanukkah foods.  I love potatoes in all forms so I make these throughout the year, sometimes as a main dish for dinner!  There are new, … Continue reading

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Middle of Summer Garden Chicken Salad

Click here to view recipe. Bear with me, people. I know I frequently publish recipes for salads – Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring… it doesn’t matter to me. I enjoy eating salads, whether they are vegetarian, lettuce-based, grainy, quinoa-y, fruity … Continue reading

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Asparagus … Again

Click here to view recipe. All winter long we ate root vegetables, or “dirt” vegetables, in huge quantities, and I truly love to buy and prepare winter legumes.  But in my world once I spy fresh asparagus in the markets, … Continue reading

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